By collecting, managing, preserving and providing broad and equitable access to the historical records of philanthropy and other efforts to work on behalf of the public good, the Rockefeller Archive Center inspires critical analysis and contributes knowledge to diverse learning communities throughout the world.
Our Collections
Search our collections by visiting DIMES, our online catalog.
Stories of Philanthropy
Visit our storytelling platform.
Access & Request
Plan your research visit and get answers to frequently asked questions.
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Research Stipend
Review guidelines and apply for stipend programs.
I am...
A Researcher
All the information you need to plan and prepare for a research visit at the RAC.
A Records Donor
Information for individuals and organizations interested in donating records to the RAC, and for those who already have donated records to us.
An Archivist
More about how our archives program is organized, our current projects, and the policies and documentation that support our work.
An Educator
Information for teachers who use archives in the classroom.
Quick Links
Our online collections catalog: Start your search here!
Our archival material access & request system.
RAC Archival Documentation
Institutional policies, procedures, and user guides.
Bits & Bytes
The RAC blog.
Our storytelling platform.
RAC Research Reports (IssueLab)
Reports written by some of our researchers.
RAC Bibliography (Zotero)
A bibliography of works based on research at the RAC.
Collections Data API
A public API to access our archival collections data.